Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Prehistoric skulls, cheese, and La Joconde

Last Friday was our final exam for Apes and Human Evolution. In addition to memorizing the behavior and social structure of all the apes, we also had to memorize the genus, species, date of origin, and place found of 20 prehistoric skulls. Let me tell you, all those old skulls look the same. But now I can tell Sivapithecus sivalensis from Aegyptopithecus zeuxis from Australopithecus afarensis (or "Lucy," for those who care). And you thought I was only in Paris to have fun...

It actually didn't end up being that hard. Afterwards was a wine and cheese tasting sponsored by the University. This may not have been the best idea right after our final exam, considering most of my classmates were sleep- and food-deprived. Oh well. I tasted each wine, but I gave the majority away. The best cheese? Tomme de savoie. C'etait delicieux!

That afternoon, since no one had any homework, everyone decided to go to a museum. They tried to convince me to go to the Centre Pompidou, but I didn't have the mental capacity to try to puzzle out all that modern art. So I went to the Louvre instead.

It was my first time this trip, and I forgot how HUGE it is. It just keeps going and going and going....I think most of the museum's appeal comes from the the way they display the art, in that magnificent building. Although whose idea was it to hang the tiny Mona Lisa on a huge wall all by itself?

My favorite is still Winged Victory of Samothrace. I've had a poster of it on my wall since 7th grade.

 The best quotation of the afternoon was from a friend. We were passing a painting with a big crowd in front of it. I looked at the painting, trying to decide what it was. "Oh," I said, "That's Virgin of the Rocks." "Yeah," said my friend, "I know it from Go Fish." She knew all her famous paintings from her "Go Fish Famous Art" game. So as we went through the museum, we kept seeing famous stuff and saying "Oh. I know that from Go Fish." The Mona Lisa? Go Fish. Coronation of Empress Josephine? Go Fish. Venus de Milo? Go Fish. 

Mandatory tourist photo

My all-time favorite sculpture
La Joconde

Me trying to be artsy

I think it's pretty neat that I can take an exam in the morning, have a wine and cheese tasting at noon, and go to the Louvre in the afternoon.

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